Information on Lodi, Monroe County
The Village of Lodi is located in the state of Ohio, in Monroe County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
Lodi Village HALL, Monroe County
Lodi Village Hall's address | Lodi Lodi Municipal Building PO BOX 95 LODI OH 44254 United States | |
Phone number of Lodi Village Hall | Not available | |
Lodi, OH email | Not available | |
Lodi official website | Not available | |
Mayor of Lodi | ||
Monroe County, Ohio: Vital Records | Lodi vital records | |
Birth Certificate | Order your Ohio birth certificate online |
Common questions about Lodi
What county is Lodi OH in?Lodi, OH is located in Monroe County |
Where is Lodi, Ohio ?Lodi is located in Medina County, within the state of Ohio, USA. It sits in the northeastern part of the state, roughly midway between the cities of Cleveland to the northeast and Columbus to the south. Lodi is also situated near Interstate 71, providing a direct route to these major cities. |
What is the cost of living in Lodi OH ? |
Lodi administrative division
Country | United States |
State | Ohio |
County | Monroe - other counties in Ohio |
Lodi building department, OH
Demography of Lodi
Name of Lodi inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 3 061 inhabitants | 316 / 5 592 | ||
Population density in Lodi | 1 357,5 pop/sq mi (524,1 pop/km²) |
List of Passport Facilities in Lodi, OH
Name | Street | Phone number |
LODI POST OFFICE | 149 HARRIS ST. | 3309481515 |
Top 3 most popular banks in Lodi
There are 3 bank branches in Lodi.
The Farmers National Bank of Canfield is the most popular bank in Lodi with 1 branch offices, followed by The Huntington National Bank with 1 branch offices and then Wayne Savings Community Bank with 1 branch offices.
Find below all bank branches in Lodi:
Bank's name | Number of branch offices | Service Type |
The Farmers National Bank of Canfield | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
The Huntington National Bank | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
Wayne Savings Community Bank | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
Lodi administrative numbers
Lodi Village code | 3944604 |
Lodi Village postcode | 44254 |
Transportation modes in Lodi
Airport | Wayne County Airport 13 miles Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport 27.1 miles Akron Fulton International Airport 28.3 miles |
Lodi territory
Lodi area | 2,25 sq mi (5,84 km²) |
Lodi altitude | 1 007 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 41.039 Longitude: -82.0098 Latitude: 41° 2' 20'' North Longitude: 82° 0' 35'' West |
Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/New_York) Summer time : UTC -4:00 Winter time : UTC -5:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Lodi | Currently, the town Lodi isn’t twinned |
Namesake of Lodi |
Natural parks | Lodi isn't part of a natural park |
What is Lodi close to?
Nearby cities include: Burbank, Westfield Center, Gloria Glens Park and Chippewa Lake | ||
Spencer | Gloria Glens Park | Gloria Glens Park |
West Salem | ![]() | Burbank |
West Salem | Burbank | Burbank |
Burbank 3.7 miles | Westfield Center 4.2 miles | Gloria Glens Park 5.8 miles |
Chippewa Lake 6 miles | West Salem 7 miles | Spencer 7.1 miles |
Creston 7.2 miles | Seville 7.6 miles | Congress 8.2 miles |
Medina 9.9 miles | Polk 12.5 miles | Rittman 12.6 miles |
Wellington 13.8 miles | Wadsworth 14.5 miles | Smithville 14.5 miles |
LaGrange 15 miles | Wooster 15.9 miles | Rochester 16.6 miles |
Grafton 16.8 miles | Doylestown 17.1 miles | Marshallville 17.4 miles |
Distance between Lodi and other main cities and towns
Los Angeles : 2040 miles | Houston : 1082 miles | Philadelphia : 368 miles |
Phoenix : 1724 miles | San Antonio : 1226 miles | San Diego : 2009 miles |
Dallas : 994 miles | San Jose : 2132 miles | Jacksonville : 741 miles |
Indianapolis : 235 miles | San Francisco : 2185 miles | Austin : 1152 miles |
Columbus : 89 miles closest | Fort Worth : 1021 miles | Charlotte : 409 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Schools in Lodi, OH
High schools in Lodi
Cloverleaf High School
District of Cloverleaf LocalLowest grade : 9, Highest grade : 12
Students : 680
Leisure and activities in Lodi surrounding area
Golf course | |
Knollbrook Golf Course | Westfield Country Club to Seville 4.2 miles |
Deer Pass Golf Course to Seville 4.7 miles | Hawks Nest Golf Club to Creston 10 miles |
Blue Heron Golf Club to Medina 11.8 miles | Spruce Tree Golf Course to Wooster 12.4 miles |
Bunker Hill Golf Course to Medina 13.4 miles | Indian Hollow Lake Golf Club to Grafton 14.8 miles |
The Sharon Golf Club to Wadsworth 15 miles | Grey Hawk Golf Club to LaGrange 15.4 miles |