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Cities and Towns in the United States > Iowa > Dubuque County > Dyersville IA

Information on Dyersville, Dubuque County

The City of Dyersville is located in the state of Iowa, in Dubuque County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Dyersville at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Dyersville City HALL, Dubuque County

Dyersville City Hall's addressDyersville Dyersville Municipal Building
340 1st Avenue E

Dyersville IA 52040
United States
Phone number of Dyersville City Hall+1 563-875-7724
Dyersville, IA emailNot available
Dyersville official
Mayor of DyersvilleJim Heavens
Dubuque County, Iowa: Vital Records Dyersville vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Iowa birth certificate online

Common questions about Dyersville

What county is Dyersville IA in?

Dyersville, IA is located in Dubuque County

Where is Dyersville, Iowa ?

Dyersville is located in Dubuque and Delaware counties in the northeastern part of the United States. Situated in east-central Iowa, it lies roughly 25 miles west of Dubuque and about 75 miles northeast of Cedar Rapids. It's also near the Mississippi River, which borders Iowa to the east.

Dyersville building department, IA

If you're planning a construction project in Dyersville, IA, obtaining the necessary permits is a crucial first step. You can request these permits through the Dyersville City Hall, where the staff will guide you through the application process. It's advisable to contact the office directly for detailed information on the associated fees and the expected timeline for approval, as these can vary depending on the scope and nature of your project. Reaching out to the city's permit department ensures you have all the necessary documentation in place to proceed smoothly with your building endeavors.
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Dyersville's town hall or Dubuque County authorities directly.

Demography of Dyersville

Name of Dyersville inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population4 035 inhabitants92 / 4 964
Population density in Dyersville716,3 pop/sq mi (276,6 pop/km²)

List of Passport Facilities in Dyersville, IA

Where to apply for a passport in Dyersville, IA? There are 1 passport offices in Dyersville, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Top 3 most popular banks in Dyersville

There are 3 bank branches in Dyersville.
MidWestOne Bank is the most popular bank in Dyersville with 2 branch offices, followed by Community Savings Bank with 1 branch offices.

Find below all bank branches in Dyersville:

Bank's name Number of branch offices Service Type
MidWestOne Bank2Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
Community Savings Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office

Dyersville administrative numbers

Dyersville City code1923115
Dyersville City postcode52040

Transportation modes in Dyersville

Monticello Regional Airport 18.1 miles
Dubuque Regional Airport 21.9 miles
35.7 miles

Dyersville territory

Dyersville area5,63 sq mi (14,59 km²)
Dyersville altitude932 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 42.4799
Longitude: -91.1256
Latitude: 42° 28' 48'' North
Longitude: 91° 7' 32'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time : UTC -5:00
Winter time : UTC -6:00
Local time
Cities twinned with DyersvilleCurrently, the town Dyersville isn’t twinned
Natural parksDyersville isn't part of a natural park

What is Dyersville close to?

Nearby cities include: New Vienna, Worthington, Farley and Earlville
EarlvilleNew ViennaNew Vienna
EarlvilleNeighbouring townsNew Vienna
New Vienna 4.7 milesWorthington 5.7 milesFarley 6.4 miles
Earlville 7.4 milesBankston 8.6 milesLuxemburg 9 miles
Epworth 10.2 milesHoly Cross 10.7 milesDelhi 10.7 miles
Delaware 11 milesHopkinton 11.4 milesColesburg 11.6 miles
Graf 12.9 milesGreeley 13.2 milesCascade 13.8 miles
Peosta 14.5 milesRickardsville 14.5 milesCentralia 14.8 miles
Millville 15.7 milesNorth Buena Vista 16.4 milesManchester 16.8 miles

Distance between Dyersville and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1585 milesHouston : 910 milesPhiladelphia : 848 miles
Phoenix : 1293 milesSan Antonio : 990 milesSan Diego : 1565 miles
Dallas : 737 milesSan Jose : 1659 milesJacksonville : 990 miles
Indianapolis : 320 miles closestSan Francisco : 1710 milesAustin : 919 miles
Columbus : 457 milesFort Worth : 752 milesCharlotte : 748 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Dyersville, IA

Elementary schools in Dyersville

Dyersville Elementary School

District of Western Dubuque Community School District
Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 4
Students : 298

Private schools in Dyersville

Beckman Catholic Junior-Senior High School

Lowest grade : 7, Highest grade : 12
Students : 410

Hennessy Catholic School

Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 62

St Francis Xavier Elementary School

Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 391

Leisure and activities in Dyersville surrounding area

Golf course
Mescher's Rolling KnollsDyersville Golf & Country Club
Lone Pine Golf & Country Club
to Colesburg 11.6 miles
Thunder Hills Country Club
to Peosta 15.5 miles
Fillmore Fairways Golf Course
to Cascade 15.6 miles
Manchester Golf Club
to Manchester 16 miles
The Meadows Golf Club
to Dubuque 17 miles
Hart Ridge Golf Course
to Manchester 18.2 miles