Information on Healy, Denali Borough
The Census-designated place of Healy is located in the state of Alaska, in Denali Borough. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
Healy Census-designated place HALL, Denali Borough
Healy Census-designated place Hall's address | Not available | |
Phone number of Healy Census-designated place Hall | Not available | |
Healy, AK email | Not available | |
Healy official website | Not available | |
Mayor of Healy | Clay Walker | |
Birth Certificate | Order your Alaska birth certificate online |
Common questions about Healy
What county is Healy AK in?Healy, AK is located in Denali County |
Where is Healy, Alaska ?Healy is situated in Denali Borough, within central Alaska, United States. It lies approximately 11 miles north of the entrance to Denali National Park and 112 miles south of Fairbanks. Positioned along the George Parks Highway, it serves as a gateway community to the vast Alaskan wilderness. |
Healy administrative division
Country | United States |
State | Alaska |
Borough | Denali - other boroughs in Alaska |
Healy building department, AK
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Healy's town hall or Denali Borough authorities directly. |
Demography of Healy
Name of Healy inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 1 021 inhabitants | 28 / 7 390 | ||
Population density in Healy | 1,5 pop/sq mi (0,6 pop/km²) |
List of Passport Facilities in Healy, AK
Name | Street | Phone number |
Top 3 most popular banks in Healy
There are 1 bank branches in Healy.
First National Bank Alaska is the most popular bank in Healy with 1 branch offices.
Find below all bank branches in Healy:
Bank's name | Number of branch offices | Service Type |
First National Bank Alaska | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
Transportation modes in Healy
Airport | 17.7 miles Nenana Municipal Airport 39.9 miles Summit Airport 44.2 miles |
Healy territory
Healy area | 669,39 sq mi (1733,70 km²) |
Healy altitude | 1 434 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 63.9708 Longitude: -149.127 Latitude: 63° 58' 15'' North Longitude: 149° 7' 37'' West |
Time zone | UTC -9:00 (America/Anchorage) Summer time : UTC -8:00 Winter time : UTC -9:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Healy | Currently, the town Healy isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Healy isn't part of a natural park |
Distance between Healy and other main cities and towns
Los Angeles : 2447 miles | Houston : 3308 miles | Philadelphia : 3314 miles |
Phoenix : 2624 miles | San Antonio : 3239 miles | San Diego : 2552 miles |
Dallas : 3086 miles | San Jose : 2164 miles | Jacksonville : 3681 miles |
Indianapolis : 2994 miles | San Francisco : 2111 miles closest | Austin : 3208 miles |
Columbus : 3078 miles | Fort Worth : 3070 miles | Charlotte : 3418 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Schools in Healy, AK
Alternative schools in Healy
Denali PEAK
District of Denali Borough School DistrictLowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 12
Students : 659
Tri-Valley School
District of Denali Borough School DistrictLowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 12
Students : 167
Leisure and activities in Healy surrounding area
No activities found in town Healy |