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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Alaska > Southeast Fairbanks Census area
Southeast Fairbanks County is located in the eastern part of Alaska and is known for its pristine natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities. The county is home to the expansive Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, where visitors can explore glaciers, mountains, and wildlife. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System also runs through the county, providing a unique attraction for visitors interested in engineering and infrastructure. The annual Tanana Valley State Fair is a popular event featuring live music, agricultural exhibits, and carnival rides. Southeast Fairbanks County offers a remote and rugged wilderness experience for those seeking adventure in the Last Frontier.

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Southeast Fairbanks Census area administration contact details

Southeast Fairbanks County administration contact detailsAddress
County seatDelta Junction
Phone number(907) 895-4642
Official website

Southeast Fairbanks Census area, AK Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons0
Sheriff office addressNo designated sheriff's office, services provided by Alaska State Troopers
Sheriff office phone number907-451-5100
Inmate search informationInmates in Southeast Fairbanks are typically held in state facilities. To locate an inmate, visit the Alaska Department of Corrections website and use their online inmate search tool or contact the Fairbanks Post of the Alaska State Troopers.
Clerk of Court nameSusan Carman
Clerk of Court addressAlaska Court System, Delta Junction Courthouse, PO Box 689, Delta Junction, AK 99737

Southeast Fairbanks Census area (AK) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages8
Area25,059 sq mi
Density0 /sq mi
Median Household Income$54,000
Poverty rate12%
Unemployment rate8%
Educational Attainment20%
Crime rate300 per 100,000

Environmental risk in Southeast Fairbanks Census area, AK

Overall riskRelatively Low
Expected Annual LossVery Low
Social VulnerabilityRelatively High
Community ResilienceVery Low
Avalanche RiskRelatively Moderate
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Low
Drought RiskNo Rating
Earthquake RiskRelatively Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

census areas surrounding Southeast Fairbanks

Fairbanks North Star 119.2 milesValdez-Cordova 176.9 milesDenali 208 miles
Matanuska Susitna 226.7 milesYukon-Koyukuk 266.4 milesAnchorage 267.9 miles

List of cities and towns in Southeast Fairbanks Census area by population size

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