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Cities and Towns in the United States > Arkansas > Woodruff County > McCrory AR

Information on McCrory, Woodruff County

The City of McCrory is located in the state of Arkansas, in Woodruff County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of McCrory at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

McCrory City HALL, Woodruff County

McCrory City Hall's addressMcCrory McCrory Municipal Building
P.O. Box 897

United States
Phone number of McCrory City Hall+1 870-731-2041
McCrory, AR emailLoading...
McCrory official websiteNot available
Mayor of McCroryJames R. Jackson
Woodruff County, Arkansas: Vital Records McCrory vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Arkansas birth certificate online

Common questions about McCrory

What county is McCrory AR in?

McCrory, AR is located in Woodruff County

Where is McCrory, Arkansas ?

McCrory lies in Woodruff County, in the eastern part of Arkansas, United States. It is situated within the Arkansas Delta, a region known for its rich, flat agricultural land. McCrory is northwest of the city of Memphis, Tennessee, and relatively close to the White River.

McCrory building department, AR

If you're planning a construction project in McCrory, AR, obtaining the necessary permits is a crucial first step. Requests for these permits can be submitted to the city’s Building Department, where you can ensure that your project adheres to local regulations and safety standards. It’s important to contact the office directly to gather detailed information about the associated costs and anticipated processing times, as these can vary depending on the specifics of your project. Engaging with the Building Department early in your planning process can help streamline your approval and ensure a smooth start to your construction efforts.
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting McCrory's town hall or Woodruff County authorities directly.

Demography of McCrory

Name of McCrory inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population1 850 inhabitants130 / 6 584
Population density in McCrory775,3 pop/sq mi (299,4 pop/km²)

McCrory statistics

Median household income$37,500
Poverty rate21.2%
Unemployment rate4.8%
Educational attainment82.5%

List of Passport Facilities in McCrory, AR

Where to apply for a passport in McCrory, AR? There are 1 passport offices in McCrory, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Top 3 most popular banks in McCrory

There are 1 bank branches in McCrory.
The First National Bank of Wynne is the most popular bank in McCrory with 1 branch offices.

Find below all bank branches in McCrory:

Bank's name Number of branch offices Service Type
The First National Bank of Wynne1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office

McCrory administrative numbers

McCrory City code0542500
McCrory City postcode72101

Transportation modes in McCrory

Searcy Municipal Airport 30.7 miles
32.4 miles
Batesville Regional Airport 41.2 miles

McCrory territory

McCrory area2,39 sq mi (6,18 km²)
McCrory altitude210 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 35.2574
Longitude: -91.1971
Latitude: 35° 15' 27'' North
Longitude: 91° 11' 50'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time : UTC -5:00
Winter time : UTC -6:00
Local time
Cities twinned with McCroryCurrently, the town McCrory isn’t twinned
Natural parksMcCrory isn't part of a natural park

What is McCrory close to?

Nearby cities include: Patterson, Tupelo, Augusta and Beedeville
PattersonNeighbouring townsBeedeville
Patterson 2.2 milesTupelo 9.4 milesAugusta 9.5 miles
Beedeville 12.5 milesWeldon 13.3 milesHunter 14.6 miles
Hickory Ridge 15.2 milesGeorgetown 17.1 milesCotton Plant 17.7 miles
Bradford 18.5 milesRussell 19.1 milesFisher 20.5 miles
Fargo 21.1 milesBald Knob 21.5 milesAmagon 21.7 miles
Wynne 23.1 milesColt 23.4 milesWest Point 23.6 miles
Wheatley 23.9 milesJudsonia 25.1 milesCaldwell 25.3 miles

Distance between McCrory and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1547 milesHouston : 451 milesPhiladelphia : 938 miles
Phoenix : 1196 milesSan Antonio : 586 milesSan Diego : 1492 miles
Dallas : 362 miles closestSan Jose : 1706 milesJacksonville : 650 miles
Indianapolis : 418 milesSan Francisco : 1770 milesAustin : 512 miles
Columbus : 556 milesFort Worth : 392 milesCharlotte : 585 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in McCrory, AR

Elementary schools in McCrory

McCrory Elementary School

District of McCrory School District
Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 351

High schools in McCrory

McCrory High School

District of McCrory School District
Lowest grade : 7, Highest grade : 12
Students : 283

Leisure and activities in McCrory surrounding area

Golf course
Cypress Creek Country Club
to Augusta 4.6 miles