Information on McIntosh, Corson County
The City of McIntosh is located in the state of South Dakota, in Corson County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
McIntosh City HALL, Corson County
McIntosh City Hall's address | McIntosh McIntosh Municipal Building PO BOX 416 MCINTOSH SD 57641 United States | |
Phone number of McIntosh City Hall | Not available | |
McIntosh, SD email | Not available | |
McIntosh official website | Not available | |
Mayor of McIntosh | ||
Corson County, South Dakota: Vital Records | McIntosh vital records | |
Birth Certificate | Order your South Dakota birth certificate online |
Common questions about McIntosh
What county is McIntosh SD in?McIntosh, SD is located in Corson County |
Where is McIntosh, South Dakota ?McIntosh lies in Corson County, within the north-central region of South Dakota, United States. It is located near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation and is situated approximately 50 miles south of the North Dakota border. The town is southwest of Bismarck, North Dakota's capital, and northwest of Pierre, the capital of South Dakota. |
McIntosh administrative division
Country | United States |
State | South Dakota |
County | Corson - other counties in South Dakota |
Demography of McIntosh
Name of McIntosh inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 171 inhabitants | 182 / 8 240 | ||
Population density in McIntosh | 222,6 pop/sq mi (85,9 pop/km²) |
List of Passport Facilities in McIntosh, SD
Name | Street | Phone number |
McIntosh administrative numbers
McIntosh City code | 4639940 |
McIntosh City postcode | 57641 |
Transportation modes in McIntosh
Airport | Mobridge Municipal Airport 52.3 miles Bismarck Municipal Airport 65.6 miles Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport 92.1 miles |
McIntosh territory
McIntosh area | 0,77 sq mi (1,99 km²) |
McIntosh altitude | 2 306 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 45.921 Longitude: -101.349 Latitude: 45° 55' 16'' North Longitude: 101° 20' 56'' West |
Time zone | UTC -7:00 (America/Denver) Summer time : UTC -6:00 Winter time : UTC -7:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with McIntosh | Currently, the town McIntosh isn’t twinned |
Namesake of McIntosh |
Natural parks | McIntosh isn't part of a natural park |
What is McIntosh close to?
Nearby cities include: Morristown, Selfridge and McLaughlin | ||
Morristown | Morristown | Selfridge |
Morristown | ![]() | Selfridge |
McLaughlin | McLaughlin | |
Morristown 17.8 miles | Selfridge 22.1 miles | McLaughlin 27 miles |
Distance between McIntosh and other main cities and towns
Los Angeles : 1219 miles | Houston : 1162 miles | Philadelphia : 1382 miles |
Phoenix : 1026 miles | San Antonio : 1149 miles | San Diego : 1234 miles |
Dallas : 940 miles | San Jose : 1210 miles | Jacksonville : 1512 miles |
Indianapolis : 878 miles closest | San Francisco : 1248 miles | Austin : 1098 miles |
Columbus : 1014 miles | Fort Worth : 934 miles | Charlotte : 1302 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Leisure and activities in McIntosh surrounding area
No activities found in town McIntosh |