Information on Nome, Nome Census area
The First class city of Nome is located in the state of Alaska, in Nome Census area. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
Nome First class city HALL, Nome Census area
Nome First class city Hall's address | Nome Nome Municipal Building P.O. Box 281 Nome, AK 99762 United States | |
Phone number of Nome First class city Hall | +1 907-443-6663 | |
Nome, AK email | Loading... | |
Nome official website | Not available | |
Mayor of Nome | John Handeland | |
Birth Certificate | Order your Alaska birth certificate online |
Common questions about Nome
What county is Nome AK in?Nome, AK is located in Nome County |
Where is Nome, Alaska ?Nome is located in the Nome Census Area on the southern Seward Peninsula along the Bering Sea coast. It lies in the western part of Alaska, USA, approximately 539 miles northwest of Anchorage and 102 miles south of the Arctic Circle. |
Nome administrative division
Country | United States |
State | Alaska |
Census area | Nome - other census areas in Alaska |
Nome building department, AK
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Nome's town hall or Nome Census area authorities directly. |
Demography of Nome
Name of Nome inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 3 598 inhabitants | 16 / 5 234 | ||
Population density in Nome | 166,4 pop/sq mi (64,3 pop/km²) |
Nome statistics
Median household income | $76,250 |
Poverty rate | 9.8% |
Unemployment rate | 8.1% |
Educational attainment | 88.3% |
List of Passport Facilities in Nome, AK
Name | Street | Phone number |
USPO - NOME | 113 W. FRONT STREET | 9074432401 |
Top 3 most popular banks in Nome
There are 1 bank branches in Nome.
Wells Fargo Bank, National Association is the most popular bank in Nome with 1 branch offices.
Find below all bank branches in Nome:
Bank's name | Number of branch offices | Service Type |
Wells Fargo Bank, National Association | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
Nome administrative numbers
Nome First class city code | 0254920 |
Nome First class city postcode | 99762 (2 other communities with the same postcode) |
Transportation modes in Nome
Airport | Nome Airport 1 miles Council Airport 57.4 miles Teller Airport 57.6 miles |
Nome territory
Nome area | 21,62 sq mi (55,99 km²) |
Nome altitude | 46 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 64.5057 Longitude: -165.415 Latitude: 64° 30' 21'' North Longitude: 165° 24' 54'' West |
Time zone | UTC -9:00 (America/Nome) Summer time : UTC -8:00 Winter time : UTC -9:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Nome | Currently, the town Nome isn’t twinned |
Namesake of Nome |
Natural parks | Nome isn't part of a natural park |
Distance between Nome and other main cities and towns
Los Angeles : 2875 miles | Houston : 3794 miles | Philadelphia : 3780 miles |
Phoenix : 3078 miles | San Antonio : 3720 miles | San Diego : 2983 miles |
Dallas : 3573 miles | San Jose : 2584 miles | Jacksonville : 4168 miles |
Indianapolis : 3478 miles | San Francisco : 2526 miles closest | Austin : 3692 miles |
Columbus : 3558 miles | Fort Worth : 3556 miles | Charlotte : 3901 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Schools in Nome, AK
Elementary schools in Nome
Nome Elementary
District of Nome Public SchoolsLowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 373
Middle schools in Nome
Anvil City Science Academy
District of Nome Public SchoolsLowest grade : 5, Highest grade : 8
Students : 59
High schools in Nome
Nome-Beltz Junior/Senior High
District of Nome Public SchoolsLowest grade : 7, Highest grade : 12
Students : 227
Alternative schools in Nome
Extensions Correspondence
District of Nome Public SchoolsLowest grade : K, Highest grade : 12
Students : 15
Nome Youth Facility
District of Nome Public SchoolsLowest grade : 5, Highest grade : 12
Students : 10
Leisure and activities in Nome surrounding area
No activities found in town Nome |