Information on Tehachapi, Kern County
The City of Tehachapi is located in the state of California, in Kern County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
Tehachapi City HALL, Kern County
Tehachapi City Hall's address | Tehachapi Tehachapi Municipal Building 115 South Robinson Street Tehachapi CA 93561 United States | |
Phone number of Tehachapi City Hall | +1 661-822-2200 | |
Tehachapi, CA email | Not available | |
Tehachapi official website | | |
Mayor of Tehachapi | Ed Grimes | |
Kern County, California: Vital Records | Tehachapi vital records | |
Birth Certificate | Order your California birth certificate online |
Common questions about Tehachapi
What county is Tehachapi CA in?Tehachapi, CA is located in Kern County |
Where is Tehachapi, California ?Tehachapi is located in Kern County. It lies in the Tehachapi Mountains at a geographic midpoint in California, USA, between the Central Valley and the Mojave Desert. Positioned about 35 miles southeast of Bakersfield and approximately 115 miles north of Los Angeles, it offers a unique high-desert environment. |
What is the cost of living in Tehachapi CA ?The cost of living in Tehachapi, California (Kern County) is generally lower than the national average. Housing costs average around $350,000 for a home, while groceries and transportation expenses are also relatively affordable, with monthly transportation costs about $150. This makes Tehachapi an attractive option for those seeking a budget-friendly lifestyle. |
Tehachapi administrative division
Country | United States |
State | California |
County | Kern - other counties in California |
Tehachapi building department, CA
Office | City of Tehachapi Building and Safety Department |
City | Tehachapi |
State | California |
Address | 115 S. Robinson Street, Tehachapi, CA 93561 |
Phone | 661-822-2200 |
Website | |
Demography of Tehachapi
Name of Tehachapi inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 14 414 inhabitants | 326 / 2 250 | ||
Population density in Tehachapi | 1 458,3 pop/sq mi (563,0 pop/km²) |
List of Passport Facilities in Tehachapi, CA
Name | Street | Phone number |
Top 3 most popular banks in Tehachapi
There are 4 bank branches in Tehachapi.
Bank of the Sierra is the most popular bank in Tehachapi with 2 branch offices, followed by Bank of the West with 1 branch offices and then MUFG Union Bank, National Association with 1 branch offices.
Find below all bank branches in Tehachapi:
Bank's name | Number of branch offices | Service Type |
Bank of the Sierra | 2 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
Bank of the West | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
MUFG Union Bank, National Association | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
Tehachapi administrative numbers
Tehachapi City code | 0678092 |
Tehachapi City postcode | 93561 |
Transportation modes in Tehachapi
Airport | Tehachapi Municipal Airport 0.7 miles Mojave Airport 17.7 miles General William J. Fox Airfield 30.6 miles |
Tehachapi territory
Tehachapi area | 9,88 sq mi (25,60 km²) |
Tehachapi altitude | 3 950 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 35.143 Longitude: -118.446 Latitude: 35° 8' 35'' North Longitude: 118° 26' 46'' West |
Time zone | UTC -8:00 (America/Los_Angeles) Summer time : UTC -7:00 Winter time : UTC -8:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Tehachapi | Currently, the town Tehachapi isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Tehachapi isn't part of a natural park |
Distance between Tehachapi and other main cities and towns
Los Angeles : 78 miles closest | Houston : 1393 miles | Philadelphia : 2375 miles |
Phoenix : 379 miles | San Antonio : 1227 miles | San Diego : 178 miles |
Dallas : 1252 miles | San Jose : 240 miles | Jacksonville : 2154 miles |
Indianapolis : 1793 miles | San Francisco : 312 miles | Austin : 1247 miles |
Columbus : 1960 miles | Fort Worth : 1219 miles | Charlotte : 2114 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Schools in Tehachapi, CA
Elementary schools in Tehachapi
Cummings Valley Elementary
District of Tehachapi UnifiedLowest grade : K, Highest grade : 5
Students : 627
Golden Hills Elementary
District of Tehachapi UnifiedLowest grade : K, Highest grade : 5
Students : 688
Tompkins Elementary
District of Tehachapi UnifiedLowest grade : K, Highest grade : 5
Students : 741
Middle schools in Tehachapi
Jacobsen Middle
District of Tehachapi UnifiedLowest grade : 6, Highest grade : 8
Students : 986
High schools in Tehachapi
EPIC de Cesar Chavez
District of Nevada County Office Of EducationLowest grade : 9, Highest grade : 12
Students : 310
Monroe High (Continuation)
District of Tehachapi UnifiedLowest grade : 9, Highest grade : 12
Students : 63
Tehachapi High
District of Tehachapi UnifiedLowest grade : 9, Highest grade : 12
Students : 1291
Private schools in Tehachapi
Carden School Of Tehachapi
Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 8Students : 148
Heritage Oak School
Lowest grade : K, Highest grade : 12Students : 69
Leisure and activities in Tehachapi surrounding area
Golf course | |
Horse Thief Country Club | Oak Tree Country Club |