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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Iowa > Allamakee County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Allamakee County is a picturesque county located in the northeastern region of the state of Iowa. With its scenic views, rolling hills, and charming small towns, Allamakee County offers a tranquil escape for nature enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers. Visitors can explore the stunning Driftless Area, which boasts unique topography and is home to diverse wildlife. The county is also known for its rich history and heritage, as evidenced by the numerous historic sites, including the Effigy Mounds National Monument. Additionally, outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy recreational activities at the Yellow River State Forest and the Upper Iowa River.

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Allamakee County administration contact details

Address110 Allamakee St NW, Waukon, IA
county seatWaukon
Phone number563-568-3793
official websiteAllamakee County Official Website
county auditorDenise Beyer

Allamakee County Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesAllamakee County Jail
Sheriff office address877 State Highway 9, Waukon, IA 52172
Sheriff office phone number563-568-4521
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in Allamakee County, visit the sheriff's office or contact them directly by phone for assistance.
Clerk of Court nameL. Alan Anderson
Clerk of Court address110 Allamakee Street NW, Waukon, IA 52172

Allamakee County Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages7
Population14,000 people
Area640 sq mi
Density22 /sq mi
Altitude1,200 ft
Median Household Income$57,000
Poverty rate10%
Unemployment rate3%
Educational Attainment25% (Bachelor's Degree or higher)

Environmental risk in Allamakee County, IA

Overall riskVery Low
Expected Annual LossVery Low
Social VulnerabilityRelatively Low
Community ResilienceRelatively Moderate
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Moderate
Drought RiskVery Low
Earthquake RiskVery Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

Counties surrounding Allamakee

Crawford 22.7 milesWinneshiek 23.4 milesHouston 27.4 miles
Clayton 30.4 milesVernon 34.7 milesFayette 37.5 miles

List of cities and towns in Allamakee County by population size

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Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records