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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Vermont > Caledonia County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Caledonia County, located in the picturesque state of Vermont, is known for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant community. Home to the charming town of St. Johnsbury, the county offers a variety of recreational opportunities, including the beautiful Lake Willoughby, the breathtaking Dog Mountain, and the expansive Groton State Forest. Additionally, visitors can explore historic sites such as the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, which houses a diverse collection of natural history artifacts. Caledonia County also hosts the popular St. Johnsbury World Maple Festival, celebrating the region's rich maple heritage. With its scenic landscapes and cultural attractions, Caledonia County is a delightful destination for nature enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

Caledonia County (VT) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages17
Area658 sq mi
Density47 /sq mi
Altitude1100 ft
GDP$1.2 billion
Median Household Income$52000
Poverty rate11%
Unemployment rate4%
Educational Attainment (Bachelor's Degree or higher)27%
Crime rate150 per 100000 people

Environmental risk in Caledonia County, VT

Overall riskVery Low
Expected Annual LossVery Low
Social VulnerabilityRelatively Low
Community ResilienceRelatively High
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Moderate
Drought RiskNo Rating
Earthquake RiskVery Low
Hail RiskVery Low
Heat Wave RiskNo Rating
Hurricane RiskRelatively Low
Ice Storm RiskVery Low
Landslide RiskRelatively Low
Lightning RiskRelatively Low
Riverine Flooding RiskRelatively Low
Strong Wind RiskRelatively Low
Tornado RiskVery Low
Tsunami RiskNot Applicable
Volcanic Activity RiskNot Applicable
Wildfire RiskVery Low
Winter Weather RiskRelatively Moderate

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

Caledonia County administration contact details

Caledonia county administration contact details
Address1126 Main St, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
County seatSt. Johnsbury
Phone number802-748-6600
Official website
County clerkSusan Hening

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Find below the complete list of cities and towns in Caledonia County:


    St. Johnsbury is a Town in Caledonia county with -10 000 inhabitants.


    Lyndon is a Town in Caledonia county with -10 000 inhabitants.


    Hardwick is a Town in Caledonia county with -4 000 inhabitants.


    Danville is a Town in Caledonia county with -2 500 inhabitants.


    Barnet is a Town in Caledonia county with -2 000 inhabitants.


    Burke is a Town in Caledonia county with -2 000 inhabitants.


    Lyndonville is a Village in Caledonia county with -1 500 inhabitants.


    Ryegate is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 500 inhabitants.


    Waterford is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 500 inhabitants.


    Sutton is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 500 inhabitants.


    Groton is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 000 inhabitants.


    Walden is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 000 inhabitants.


    Sheffield is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 000 inhabitants.


    Peacham is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 000 inhabitants.


    Wheelock is a Town in Caledonia county with -1 000 inhabitants.


    Newark is a Town in Caledonia county with -500 inhabitants.


    Kirby is a Town in Caledonia county with -500 inhabitants.


    West Burke is a Village in Caledonia county with -500 inhabitants.


    Stannard is a Town in Caledonia county with -500 inhabitants.

Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records