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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Missouri > Howell County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Howell County is located in the southern region of the state of Missouri. Known for its picturesque natural beauty, the county is home to the Mark Twain National Forest, which offers ample opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, camping, and fishing. The county also boasts the Lake Wappapello State Park, a popular destination for boating, swimming, and wildlife observation. Visitors can explore historical sites like the Edward's House, built in 1887, and the West Plains Public Library, dating back to 1912. Howell County is also proud to host the Old-Time Music, Ozark Heritage Festival, celebrating the region's musical and cultural heritage.

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Howell County administration contact details

Howell County administration contact details
Address35 Court Square, West Plains, MO 65775
County SeatWest Plains
Phone number(417) 256-3872
County ClerkKelly W. Waggoner
County CommissionerMark Collins

Howell County, MO Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesHowell County Jail
Sheriff office address1106 Missouri Ave, West Plains, MO 65775
Sheriff office phone number417-256-2544
Inmate search informationInmates in Howell County Jail can be located by contacting the sheriff's office directly or using online resources like the Missouri Department of Corrections offender search tool.
Clerk of Court nameDennis Von Allmen
Clerk of Court address106 Courthouse, West Plains, MO 65775

Howell County (MO) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages4
Area927 sq mi
Density43 /sq mi
Altitude1171 ft
GDP$1.2 billion
Median Household Income$36000
Poverty rate21%
Unemployment rate4%
Educational Attainment18% (Bachelor's Degree or higher)
Crime rate3200 per 100000 residents

Environmental risk in Howell County, MO

Overall riskRelatively Low
Expected Annual LossRelatively Low
Social VulnerabilityRelatively High
Community ResilienceVery Low
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Moderate
Drought RiskVery Low
Earthquake RiskRelatively Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

counties surrounding Howell

Fulton 27.4 milesOregon 27.4 milesOzark 32.1 miles
Douglas 35.6 milesShannon 37.7 milesTexas 37.8 miles

List of cities and towns in Howell County by population size

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Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records