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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Iowa > Jefferson County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Jefferson County is a prominent county located in the state of Iowa. It is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the picturesque Louden Bridge and the beautiful McCreedy Bridge. The county boasts a rich history, with notable landmarks such as the 1854 Louden Machinery Company building and the 1876 Jefferson County Courthouse. Residents and visitors alike can immerse themselves in the county's vibrant culture by attending events like the Jefferson County Fair and exploring the various parks and recreational areas. With its blend of history and natural beauty, Jefferson County offers a charming destination for travelers seeking a delightful rural getaway.

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Jefferson County administration contact details

Address51 W Briggs Ave, Fairfield, IA 52556
County SeatFairfield
Phone number641-472-4411
Official websiteJefferson County, Iowa official site
County ClerkSharon Strohman
County AuditorDee Sandquist
County Fiscal OfficerDee Sandquist
County CommissionerStephen Burgmeier

Jefferson County Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesJefferson County Jail
Sheriff office address1200 W Grimes Ave, Fairfield, IA 52556
Sheriff office phone number641-472-4146
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in Jefferson County, IA, visit the Sheriff's Office website or contact the jail directly at the provided phone number for assistance.
Clerk of Court nameKimberly Bryson
Clerk of Court address51 W Hempstead Ave, Fairfield, IA 52556

Jefferson County Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages8
Area437 sq mi
Density42 /sq mi
Altitude820 ft
Median Household Income$50000
Poverty rate14%
Unemployment rate3%
Educational Attainment32% (Bachelor's Degree or higher)

Environmental risk in Jefferson County, IA

Overall riskVery Low
Expected Annual LossVery Low
Social VulnerabilityRelatively Moderate
Community ResilienceRelatively Moderate
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Moderate
Drought RiskRelatively Low
Earthquake RiskVery Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

Counties surrounding Jefferson

Van Buren 19.2 milesHenry 21.3 milesWapello 24 miles
Washington 24.2 milesKeokuk 24.2 milesDavis 31.1 miles

List of cities and towns in Jefferson County by population size

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Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records