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Cities and Towns in the United States > Commonwealth Pennsylvania > Monroe County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Monroe County, Pennsylvania, located in the heart of the Pocono Mountains region, is known for its picturesque natural landscapes and numerous outdoor recreational activities. The county boasts attractions such as the iconic Delaware Water Gap, a renowned scenic area with hiking trails and waterfalls, as well as the popular Camelback Mountain Resort, offering skiing and snowboarding in the winter and water park fun during the summer. Visitors can also explore historic landmarks like the Stroud Mansion and enjoy events such as the West End Fair. With its diverse array of attractions and natural beauty, Monroe County is a beloved destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

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Monroe County administration contact details

AddressOne Quaker Plaza, Room 201, Stroudsburg, PA 18360
County seatStroudsburg
Phone number570-517-3009

Monroe County Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesMonroe County Correctional Facility
Sheriff office address610 Monroe St, Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Sheriff office phone number570-421-6800
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in Monroe County, PA, visit the Monroe County Sheriff's Office website for inmate lookup services or call the local correctional facility for information.
Clerk of Court nameMargherita Patti-Worthington
Clerk of Court address610 Monroe St, Suite 323, Stroudsburg, PA 18360

Monroe County Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages21
Area617 sq mi
Density274 /sq mi
Altitude1,300 ft
GDP$6 billion
Median Household Income$65,000
Poverty rate10%
Unemployment rate4%
Educational Attainment28% (Bachelor's Degree or higher)
Crime rate1,700 per 100,000

Environmental risk in Monroe County, PA

Overall riskRelatively Low
Expected Annual LossRelatively Low
Social VulnerabilityRelatively Low
Community ResilienceRelatively Low
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively High
Drought RiskVery Low
Earthquake RiskVery Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

Counties surrounding Monroe

Northampton 21.1 milesCarbon 21.6 milesWarren 22.6 miles
Pike 24.7 milesLackawanna 29.7 milesLehigh 33.5 miles

List of cities and towns in Monroe County by population size

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Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records