Cities and Towns in the United States > State Idaho > Owyhee County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Owyhee County, located in the southwestern part of Idaho, is known for its stunning natural beauty and rich history. The county is home to the rugged and scenic Owyhee Mountains, the Bruneau Dunes State Park offering opportunities for hiking and sandboarding, and the historic Silver City ghost town. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the wild and remote Owyhee Canyonlands, which provide habitat for diverse wildlife and outdoor recreational activities such as kayaking and camping. The county also hosts the annual Duck Valley Indian Reservation Pow Wow, celebrating the heritage and traditions of the Shoshone-Paiute tribes. Owyhee County is a captivating destination for those seeking outdoor adventure and cultural experiences.

Owyhee County (Idaho) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages21
Area7,679 sq mi
Density1.4 /sq mi
Altitude2,251 ft
GDP$350 million
Median Household Income$45,000
Poverty rate15%
Unemployment rate4%
Educational Attainment (Bachelor's Degree or higher)18%

Owyhee County administration contact details

Owyhee County administration contact details 20381 State Hwy 78, Murphy, ID 83650
County seatMurphy
Phone number(208) 495-2421
Official website
County clerkCharlotte Sherburn
County commissionerJerry Hoagland

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Find below the complete list of cities and towns in Owyhee County:


    Homedale is a City in Owyhee county with -3 000 inhabitants.


    Marsing is a City in Owyhee county with -1 500 inhabitants.


    Grand View is a City in Owyhee county with -500 inhabitants.


    Murphy is a Census-designated place in Owyhee county with -100 inhabitants.

Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records