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Cities and Towns in the United States > State New Mexico > San Juan County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
San Juan County, located in the northwestern region of New Mexico, is a picturesque area characterized by its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Home to the iconic Chaco Culture National Historical Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, the county offers visitors a unique glimpse into ancient Puebloan civilizations. The beautiful landscapes of the county also make it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts, with opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife observation. Additionally, the county hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, celebrating its diverse cultural heritage and attracting visitors from near and far.

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San Juan County administration contact details

San Juan county administration contact details
San Juan County Address100 S. Oliver Drive, Aztec, NM 87410
County SeatAztec
Phone Number(505) 334-9481
County ClerkTanya Giddings
County Permits Office or Building Department Contact Details(505) 334-4313
County CommissionerJack Fortner

San Juan County, NM Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesSan Juan County Adult Detention Center
Sheriff office address211 S Oliver Dr, Aztec, NM 87410
Sheriff office phone number505-334-6107
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in San Juan County, visit the county's official website or contact the jail directly at 505-566-4500. They can provide the most current information regarding inmate status.
Clerk of Court nameDonna Glen
Clerk of Court address103 S Oliver Dr, Aztec, NM 87410

San Juan County (NM) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages5
Area5538 sq mi
Density22 /sq mi
Altitude5302 ft
Median Household Income$48624
Poverty rate22%
Unemployment rate5%
Educational Attainment17%
Crime rate3985 per 100,000 residents

Environmental risk in San Juan County, NM

Overall riskRelatively Low
Expected Annual LossRelatively Low
Social VulnerabilityVery High
Community ResilienceVery Low
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Low
Drought RiskRelatively High
Earthquake RiskVery Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

counties surrounding San Juan

Montezuma 59.3 milesLa Plata 59.9 milesMcKinley 64.2 miles
Archuleta 84.8 milesDolores 86.6 milesRio Arriba 90.4 miles

List of cities and towns in San Juan County by population size

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Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records