Cities and Towns in the United States > State Florida > St. Lucie County
Located on the eastern coast of Florida, St. Lucie County is renowned for its pristine beaches, vibrant local culture, and abundant natural beauty. Visitors can explore the picturesque Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, relax on the inviting shores of Jensen Beach, or enjoy a leisurely stroll through the historic downtown area. The county also boasts numerous outdoor recreational opportunities, including the sprawling Savannas Preserve State Park, a haven for nature enthusiasts. Furthermore, St. Lucie County is home to various annual events and festivals that celebrate the rich heritage and diverse community spirit of the region.

St. Lucie County (Florida) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages4
Area572 sq mi
Density575 /sq mi
Altitude25 ft
Median Household Income$62,000
Poverty rate15%
Unemployment rate5%
Educational Attainment (Bachelor's Degree or higher)25%

St. Lucie County administration contact details

St. Lucie County administration contact details Address
County seat of St. Lucie Fort Pierce
Phone number (772) 462-1100
Official website
County clerk Michelle R. Miller
County permits office or building department contact details (772) 462-1553

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Find below the complete list of cities and towns in St. Lucie County:


    Port St. Lucie is a City in St. Lucie county with -200 000 inhabitants.


    Fort Pierce is a City in St. Lucie county with -50 000 inhabitants.


    St. Lucie is a Town in St. Lucie county with -1 000 inhabitants.