Cities and Towns in the United States > State Tennessee > Stewart County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Stewart County is a rural county located in the state of Tennessee, United States. Situated along the border with Kentucky, the county is known for its scenic natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere. Visitors can explore the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, which offers opportunities for camping, fishing, and hiking. Additionally, Fort Donelson National Battlefield preserves the site of a significant Civil War battle and provides historical insights. The county hosts the annual Stewart County Quilt Show, showcasing the work of local artisans. With its picturesque landscapes and rich history, Stewart County offers a peaceful retreat for nature enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

Stewart County (Tennessee) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages1
Area200 sq mi
Density7.5/sq mi
Altitude500 ft
Median Household Income$45,000
Poverty rate15%
Unemployment rate5%
Educational Attainment (Bachelor's Degree or higher)20%
Crime rate300 incidents/100,000

Stewart County administration contact details

Stewart County administration contact detailsAddress
County seat of Stewart CountyDover
Phone number of Stewart County administration(931) 232-3100
Official website of Stewart
County Clerk of Stewart CountySusie Dial
County Commissioner of Stewart CountyRick Joiner

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Find below the complete list of cities and towns in Stewart County:


    Dover is a City in Stewart county with -1 500 inhabitants.


    Cumberland City is a Town in Stewart county with -500 inhabitants.

Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records