Cities and Towns in the United States > State Missouri > Wayne County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Wayne County, located in the state of Missouri, is rich in natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities. Visitors can explore the magnificent Sam A. Baker State Park, which offers hiking trails, cabins, and a picturesque lake for fishing and boating. The county is home to the charming town of Piedmont, where the Mill Spring Historic District showcases well-preserved nineteenth-century architecture. History enthusiasts can visit the Fort Benton Memorial, commemorating a significant Civil War skirmish. With its striking landscapes and historical landmarks, Wayne County offers a serene retreat for nature lovers and a glimpse into Missouri's storied past.

Wayne County (Missouri) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villagesNot available
Population13,000 people
Area563 sq mi
Density23 people/sq mi
Altitude1,200 ft
GDP$700 million
Median Household Income$45,000
Poverty rate18%
Unemployment rate5%
Educational Attainment (Bachelor's Degree or higher)15%
Crime rate300 per 100,000 people

Wayne County administration contact details

Wayne County administration contact detailsAddress
Wayne County administration contact detailsCounty seat
Wayne County administration contact detailsPhone number
Wayne County administration contact detailsEmail address
Wayne County administration contact detailsOfficial website
Wayne County administration contact detailsCounty clerk
Wayne County administration contact detailsCounty auditor
Wayne County administration contact detailsCounty fiscal officer
Wayne County administration contact detailsCounty permits office or building department contact details
Wayne County administration contact detailsCounty commissioner

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Find below the complete list of cities and towns in Wayne County:


    Piedmont is a City in Wayne county with -2 000 inhabitants.


    Greenville is a City in Wayne county with -500 inhabitants.


    Williamsville is a City in Wayne county with -500 inhabitants.


    Mill Spring is a Village in Wayne county with -500 inhabitants.

Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records