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Cities and Towns in the United States > State New York > Westchester County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Westchester County, located in the state of New York, is known for its rich history and scenic beauty. The county is home to several historic sites, including the Kykuit, the Rockefeller Estate, and the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Nature enthusiasts can explore the picturesque trails of the Bronx River Pathway and Croton Gorge Park. Westchester also hosts the annual Jazz Festival and the Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze, attracting visitors from near and far. Additionally, the county offers a variety of dining and shopping experiences in its charming towns and villages. With its diverse array of attractions, Westchester County provides a delightful destination for both residents and visitors.

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Westchester County administration contact details

Westchester County SeatWhite Plains
Phone number+1 914-995-2000
Official website
County ClerkTimothy C. Idoni
County CommissionerGeorge Latimer

Westchester County Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesWestchester County Jail
Sheriff office address110 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, White Plains, NY 10601
Sheriff office phone number914-955-4000
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in Westchester County, visit the Department of Correction website or contact the jail directly at 914-231-1111.
Clerk of Court nameTimothy C. Idoni
Clerk of Court address110 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, White Plains, NY 10601

Westchester County Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages45
Area500 sq mi
Density2000 /sq mi
Altitude300 ft
GDP$78 billion
Median Household Income$100,000
Poverty rate8%
Unemployment rate4%
Educational Attainment50% (Bachelor's Degree or higher)
Crime rate1300

Environmental risk in Westchester County, NY

Overall riskRelatively Moderate
Expected Annual LossRelatively Moderate
Social VulnerabilityRelatively High
Community ResilienceRelatively High
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskRelatively High
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Moderate
Drought RiskVery Low
Earthquake RiskRelatively Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

Counties surrounding Westchester

Rockland 14.1 milesPutnam 19 milesFairfield 20.5 miles
Bergen 21.3 milesBronx 21.5 milesNew York 28.4 miles

List of cities and towns in Westchester County by population size

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Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records