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Cities and Towns in the United States > Colorado > El Paso County > Palmer Lake CO

Information on Palmer Lake, El Paso County

The Statutory town of Palmer Lake is located in the state of Colorado, in El Paso County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Statutory town hall of Palmer Lake at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Palmer Lake Statutory town HALL, El Paso County

Palmer Lake Statutory town Hall's addressPalmer Lake Palmer Lake Municipal Building
42 Valley Crescent

Palmer Lake CO 80133
United States
Phone number of Palmer Lake Statutory town Hall+1 719-481-2953
Palmer Lake, CO emailLoading...
Palmer Lake official
Mayor of Palmer LakeMalcom Parker
El Paso County, Colorado: Vital Records Palmer Lake vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Colorado birth certificate online

Common questions about Palmer Lake

What county is Palmer Lake CO in?

Palmer Lake, CO is located in El Paso County

Where is Palmer Lake, Colorado ?

Palmer Lake is a Statutory Town in El Paso County, located in central Colorado, USA. It lies at the northern edge of the county, adjacent to Monument and near the Palmer Divide, a significant ridge that separates the Arkansas and South Platte River watersheds. Palmer Lake is approximately 20 miles north of Colorado Springs and 40 miles south of Denver.

Palmer Lake building department, CO

If you're planning a construction project in Palmer Lake, CO, you'll need to obtain the necessary permits to ensure your plans comply with local regulations. To begin the process, you should visit the Planning and Zoning Department at Town Hall, where you can submit your application and find guidance on the requirements specific to your project. It's crucial to contact the department directly to obtain current information on the costs and the processing times, which can vary based on the complexity of your construction and other factors. With the right preparation, securing the necessary approvals in Palmer Lake can be a smooth and straightforward process.
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Palmer Lake's town hall or El Paso County authorities directly.

Demography of Palmer Lake

Name of Palmer Lake inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population2 420 inhabitants101 / 6 086
Population density in Palmer Lake777,6 pop/sq mi (300,2 pop/km²)

List of Passport Facilities in Palmer Lake, CO

Where to apply for a passport in Palmer Lake, CO? There are 1 passport offices in Palmer Lake, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Palmer Lake administrative numbers

Palmer Lake Statutory town code0857025
Palmer Lake Statutory town postcode80133

Transportation modes in Palmer Lake

United States Air Force Academy 11 miles
City of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport 23.8 miles
Butts Army Airfield 31.1 miles

Palmer Lake territory

Palmer Lake area3,11 sq mi (8,06 km²)
Palmer Lake altitude7 119 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 39.1132
Longitude: -104.9
Latitude: 39° 6' 48'' North
Longitude: 104° 54' 0'' West
Time zone
UTC -7:00 (America/Denver)
Summer time : UTC -6:00
Winter time : UTC -7:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Palmer LakeCurrently, the town Palmer Lake isn’t twinned
Natural parksPalmer Lake isn't part of a natural park

What is Palmer Lake close to?

Nearby cities include: Monument, Larkspur, Woodland Park and Green Mountain Falls
Woodland ParkNeighbouring townsMonument
Woodland ParkMonumentMonument
Monument 3.8 milesLarkspur 7.9 milesWoodland Park 11.6 miles
Green Mountain Falls 13.9 milesManitou Springs 17.7 milesCastle Rock 18.4 miles
Colorado Springs 18.6 milesElizabeth 23.3 milesCastle Pines North 24.8 miles
Parker 28.3 milesKiowa 28.7 milesLone Tree 28.9 miles
Cripple Creek 29.6 milesVictor 30.9 miles 

Distance between Palmer Lake and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 828 milesHouston : 842 milesPhiladelphia : 1582 miles
Phoenix : 554 miles closestSan Antonio : 760 milesSan Diego : 811 miles
Dallas : 631 milesSan Jose : 927 milesJacksonville : 1449 miles
Indianapolis : 1001 milesSan Francisco : 986 milesAustin : 732 miles
Columbus : 1168 milesFort Worth : 609 milesCharlotte : 1350 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Palmer Lake, CO

Elementary schools in Palmer Lake

Palmer Lake Elementary School

District of Lewis-Palmer Consolidated School District No. 38
Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 349

Leisure and activities in Palmer Lake surrounding area

Golf course
Monument Hill Country Club
to Monument 3.1 miles
King's Deer Golf Club
to Monument 5.6 miles
The Golf Club at Bear Dance
to Larkspur 10.5 miles
Shining Mountain Golf Club
to Woodland Park 11.4 miles
Pine Creek Golf Club
to Colorado Springs 11.6 miles
Plum Creek Golf & Country Club
to Castle Rock 16.6 miles