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Cities and Towns in the United States > Michigan > Wayne County > Redford Charter Township MI

Information on Redford Charter Township, Wayne County

The Charter township of Redford Charter Township is located in the state of Michigan, in Wayne County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Charter township hall of Redford Charter Township at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the City hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Redford Charter Township Charter township HALL, Wayne County

Redford Charter Township Charter township Hall's addressRedford Charter Township Redford Charter Township Municipal Building
15145 Beech Daly Rd

Redford, MI 48239
United States
Phone number of Redford Charter Township Charter township Hall+1 313-387-2752
Redford Charter Township, MI emailLoading...
Redford Charter Township official websiteNot available
Mayor of Redford Charter Township
Wayne County, Michigan: Vital Records Redford Charter Township vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Michigan birth certificate online

Common questions about Redford Charter Township

What county is Redford Charter Township MI in?

Redford Charter Township, MI is located in Wayne County

Where is Redford Charter Township, Michigan ?

Redford Charter Township is located in Wayne County, within the state of Michigan, USA. It is situated in the southeastern region of Michigan, part of the Detroit metropolitan area. The township lies west of the city of Detroit, providing a suburban community setting close to this major urban center.

What is the cost of living in Redford Charter Township MI ?

The cost of living in Redford Charter Township, Michigan (Wayne County) is relatively affordable. Housing costs average around $130,000, while monthly transportation expenses are approximately $800. Groceries for a family of four typically amount to about $900 per month, making it an economical choice for residents.

Redford Charter Township building department, MI

If you're planning to undertake construction or renovation projects in Redford Charter Township, MI, obtaining the necessary permits is an essential first step. Residents and developers should visit the Building Department, conveniently located at the township's municipal offices, to submit their application. To ensure a smooth process, it is advisable to contact the office directly for detailed information on costs and estimated processing times, as these can vary depending on the nature and scope of your project. The staff at the Building Department are available to assist with any questions you may have and guide you through the permit requirements specific to Redford Charter Township.
OfficeBuilding Department
CityRedford Charter Township
Address12200 Beech Daly Road, Redford, MI 48239

Demography of Redford Charter Township

Name of Redford Charter Township inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population48 362 inhabitants34 / 695
Population density in Redford Charter Township4 304,4 pop/sq mi (1 661,9 pop/km²)

Redford Charter Township statistics

Redford Charter Township MI Median household income$52,000
Redford Charter Township MI Poverty rate18.5%
Redford Charter Township MI Unemployment rate6.3%
Redford Charter Township MI Educational attainment85.4%

List of Passport Facilities in Redford Charter Township, MI

Where to apply for a passport in Redford Charter Township, MI? There are 1 passport offices in Redford Charter Township, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Redford Charter Township administrative numbers

Redford Charter Township Charter township code2667625
Redford Charter Township Charter township postcode48239

Transportation modes in Redford Charter Township

Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport 13 miles
Coleman A. Young Municipal Airport 14.6 miles
Willow Run Airport 16.2 miles

Redford Charter Township territory

Redford Charter Township area11,24 sq mi (29,10 km²)
Redford Charter Township altitude600 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 42.3948
Longitude: -83.2941
Latitude: 42° 23' 41'' North
Longitude: 83° 17' 39'' West
Time zone
UTC -5:00 (America/Detroit)
Summer time : UTC -4:00
Winter time : UTC -5:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Redford Charter Township
Austria Sankt Anton am ArlbergCanada GeorginaGermany Gau-Algesheim
Germany Gau-Algesheim
Natural parksRedford Charter Township isn't part of a natural park

What is Redford Charter Township close to?

Nearby cities include: Livonia, Dearborn Heights, Garden City and Southfield
LivoniaNeighbouring townsDearborn Heights
Garden CityDearborn HeightsDearborn Heights
Livonia 4 milesDearborn Heights 4.1 milesGarden City 5.4 miles
Southfield 5.8 milesFarmington 6.3 milesWestland 6.9 miles
Dearborn 7.1 milesInkster 7.1 milesOak Park 7.5 miles
Royal Oak Charter Township 7.5 milesLathrup Village 7.5 milesFarmington Hills 7.5 miles
Bingham Farms 8.5 milesFranklin 8.6 milesSouthfield Township 8.8 miles
Huntington Woods 8.8 milesPlymouth 9 milesBerkley 9.1 miles
Beverly Hills 9.3 milesPleasant Ridge 9.3 milesFerndale 9.4 miles

Distance between Redford Charter Township and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1979 milesHouston : 1102 milesPhiladelphia : 455 miles
Phoenix : 1675 milesSan Antonio : 1233 milesSan Diego : 1954 miles
Dallas : 991 milesSan Jose : 2059 milesJacksonville : 839 miles
Indianapolis : 234 milesSan Francisco : 2109 milesAustin : 1158 miles
Columbus : 168 miles closestFort Worth : 1015 milesCharlotte : 515 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Redford Charter Township surrounding area

Detroit Zoo
to Royal Oak 9.3 miles
Golf course
Rouge Park Golf Course
to Detroit 2.8 miles
Warren Valley Golf Course
to Dearborn Heights 3.7 miles
Beech Woods Golf Course
to Southfield 4.1 miles
Plum Hollow Country Club
to Southfield 4.3 miles
New Hawthorne Valley Golf Course
to Westland 4.7 miles
Idyl Wyld Municipal Golf Course
to Livonia 5.3 miles
Fox Creek Golf Course
to Livonia 5.7 miles
Evergreen Hills
to Southfield 6.5 miles
Dearborn Hills Golf Course
to Dearborn 6.5 miles
Westland Municipal Golf Course
to Westland 6.7 miles

Other information on the Charter township of Redford Charter Township

Nuclear power plantEnrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station 48 mile