Information on Springview, Keya Paha County
The Village of Springview is located in the state of Nebraska, in Keya Paha County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
Springview Village HALL, Keya Paha County
Springview Village Hall's address | Springview Springview Municipal Building PO BOX 186 SPRINGVIEW NE 68778 United States | |
Phone number of Springview Village Hall | Not available | |
Springview, NE email | Not available | |
Springview official website | | |
Mayor of Springview | ||
Birth Certificate | Order your Nebraska birth certificate online |
Common questions about Springview
What county is Springview NE in?Springview, NE is located in Keya Paha County |
Where is Springview, Nebraska ?Springview is located in Keya Paha County in the north-central region of Nebraska, near the border with South Dakota in the United States. It is situated approximately 80 miles northeast of Valentine and 35 miles northwest of Ainsworth, providing rural connectivity within the state's Sandhills area. |
What is the cost of living in Springview NE ? |
Springview administrative division
Country | United States |
State | Nebraska |
County | Keya Paha - other counties in Nebraska |
Springview building department, NE
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Springview's town hall or Keya Paha County authorities directly. |
Demography of Springview
Name of Springview inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 244 inhabitants | 288 / 8 167 | ||
Population density in Springview | 367,4 pop/sq mi (141,9 pop/km²) |
List of Passport Facilities in Springview, NE
Name | Street | Phone number |
Top 3 most popular banks in Springview
There are 1 bank branches in Springview.
West Plains Bank is the most popular bank in Springview with 1 branch offices.
Find below all bank branches in Springview:
Bank's name | Number of branch offices | Service Type |
West Plains Bank | 1 | Full Service Brick and Mortar Office |
Springview administrative numbers
Springview Village code | 3146625 |
Springview Village postcode | 68778 (Another town has the same postcode) |
Toponymy and translation of Springview
Persian: اسپرینگویو | Japanese: スプリングビュー | Kazakh: Спрингвю |
Korean: 스프링뷰 | Russian: Спрингвью | Chinese: 斯普林维尤 |
Transportation modes in Springview
Airport | 19.9 miles Ainsworth Regional Airport 21.1 miles Miller Field 40.7 miles |
Springview territory
Springview area | 0,66 sq mi (1,72 km²) |
Springview altitude | 2 447 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 42.8249 Longitude: -99.7475 Latitude: 42° 49' 30'' North Longitude: 99° 44' 51'' West |
Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago) Summer time : UTC -5:00 Winter time : UTC -6:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Springview | Currently, the town Springview isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Springview isn't part of a natural park |
Distance between Springview and other main cities and towns
Los Angeles : 1177 miles | Houston : 934 miles | Philadelphia : 1287 miles |
Phoenix : 925 miles | San Antonio : 927 miles | San Diego : 1172 miles |
Dallas : 713 miles | San Jose : 1225 miles | Jacksonville : 1320 miles |
Indianapolis : 737 miles | San Francisco : 1274 miles | Austin : 873 miles |
Columbus : 890 miles | Fort Worth : 707 miles closest | Charlotte : 1142 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Schools in Springview, NE
Elementary schools in Springview
Pleasant View School
District of Keya Paha County SchoolsLowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 4
Spring View Elementary School
District of Keya Paha County SchoolsLowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 42
High schools in Springview
Keya Paha County High School
District of Keya Paha County SchoolsLowest grade : 7, Highest grade : 12
Students : 36
Leisure and activities in Springview surrounding area
No activities found in town Springview |