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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Alaska > Petersburg Census area
Petersburg County, located in the southeastern part of the state of Alaska, is known for its stunning natural landscapes and rich maritime heritage. The county is home to the majestic LeConte Glacier, one of the southernmost tidewater glaciers in North America, offering visitors breathtaking views and excellent opportunities for glacier cruises and wildlife spotting. The county also hosts the annual Little Norway Festival, celebrating its Scandinavian heritage, featuring traditional folk music, dancing, and delicious Nordic cuisine. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the picturesque Petersburg Creek, pursue fishing adventures, or visit the Sandy Beach Recreation Area for a relaxing day by the sea.

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Petersburg Census area administration contact details

Petersburg county's address12 South Nordic Drive, Petersburg, AK 99833
County seatPetersburg
Phone number+1 907-772-5405
Official website
County ClerkDeb Fox
County CommissionerErica Kludt-Painter

Petersburg Census area, AK Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesPetersburg Borough Jail
Sheriff office address16 Sing Lee Alley, Petersburg, AK 99833
Sheriff office phone number907-772-3838
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in Petersburg, contact the Petersburg Borough Jail at 907-772-3838 or visit the Petersburg Police Department in person for assistance.
Clerk of Court nameDebbie Thompson
Clerk of Court address16 Sing Lee Alley, Petersburg, AK 99833

Petersburg Census area (AK) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages3
Area3214 sq mi
Density1 /sq mi
Median Household Income$63,000
Poverty rate8%
Unemployment rate5%
Educational Attainment25% (Bachelor's Degree or higher)

Environmental risk in Petersburg Census area, AK

Overall riskVery Low
Expected Annual LossVery Low
Social VulnerabilityRelatively High
Community ResilienceRelatively Low
Avalanche RiskVery Low
Coastal Flooding RiskVery Low
Cold Wave RiskNo Rating
Drought RiskNo Rating
Earthquake RiskVery Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

census areas surrounding Petersburg

Wrangell 65.7 milesSitka 86.4 milesPrince of Wales-Hyder 96.1 miles
Juneau 102.4 milesHoonah-Angoon 121.1 milesKetchikan Gateway 135.4 miles

List of cities and towns in Petersburg Census area by population size

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