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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Alaska > Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area
Prince of Wales-Hyder County, located in the southeastern part of the state of Alaska, offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage. This remote and sparsely populated county is home to the Tongass National Forest, which provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, fishing, and wildlife viewing. Visitors can also explore the rich Native American heritage of the region by visiting tribal museums and attending cultural events. Notable landmarks include the Misty Fjords National Monument, a stunning wilderness area known for its deep fjords, rugged cliffs, and cascading waterfalls. Outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking a tranquil retreat will find plenty to enjoy in Prince of Wales-Hyder County.

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Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area administration contact details

Prince of Wales-Hyder county Address1 Cedar Street, Craig, AK 99921
County seat of Prince of Wales-HyderKetchikan
Phone number of Prince of Wales-Hyder county office(907) 826-3275
Prince of Wales-Hyder official website

Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area, AK Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons0
Sheriff office addressPO Box 470, Klawock, AK 99925
Sheriff office phone number907-826-2918
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in the Prince of Wales-Hyder area, contact local authorities or Alaska’s Department of Corrections for assistance.
Clerk of Court addressPO Box 437, Craig, AK 99921

Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area (AK) Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages11
Area7600 sq mi
Density1 /sq mi
Median Household Income$49000
Poverty rate13 %
Unemployment rate9 %
Educational Attainment17 % (Bachelor's Degree or higher)

Environmental risk in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area, AK

Overall riskVery Low
Expected Annual LossVery Low
Social VulnerabilityVery High
Community ResilienceRelatively Moderate
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNo Rating
Cold Wave RiskNo Rating
Drought RiskNo Rating
Earthquake RiskVery Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

census areas surrounding Prince of Wales-Hyder

Wrangell 56.8 milesKetchikan Gateway 86 milesPetersburg 96.1 miles
Sitka 128.8 milesJuneau 191.7 milesHoonah-Angoon 193.3 miles

List of cities and towns in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area by population size

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