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Cities and Towns in the United States > Kansas > Republic County > Belleville KS

Information on Belleville, Republic County

The City of Belleville is located in the state of Kansas, in Republic County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Belleville at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Belleville City HALL, Republic County

Belleville City Hall's addressBelleville Belleville Municipal Building
1819 L Street PO Box 280

Belleville KS 66935
United States
Phone number of Belleville City Hall+1 785-527-2288
Belleville, KS emailLoading...
Belleville official
Mayor of BellevilleRoger McCartney
Republic County, Kansas: Vital Records Belleville vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Kansas birth certificate online

Common questions about Belleville

What county is Belleville KS in?

Belleville, KS is located in Republic County

Where is Belleville, Kansas ?

Belleville is located in Republic County, north-central Kansas, USA. It is situated near the Nebraska border and lies along U.S. Route 81, which makes it easily accessible from nearby towns like Concordia to the south and Hebron, Nebraska to the north. The municipality is part of the larger Great Plains region.

Belleville building department, KS

If you're planning construction or renovation in Belleville, KS, securing proper authorization is an essential first step. You can request the necessary permit through the Republic County Courthouse located in Belleville. It's recommended to contact their office directly to obtain detailed information regarding the fees and processing times associated with your application. By reaching out ahead of time, you can ensure a smoother experience and avoid unnecessary delays in your project.
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Belleville's town hall or Republic County authorities directly.

Demography of Belleville

Name of Belleville inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population2 239 inhabitants107 / 6 241
Population density in Belleville1 113,0 pop/sq mi (429,8 pop/km²)

List of Passport Facilities in Belleville, KS

Where to apply for a passport in Belleville, KS? There are 1 passport offices in Belleville, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Top 3 most popular banks in Belleville

There are 3 bank branches in Belleville.
Astra Bank is the most popular bank in Belleville with 1 branch offices, followed by The Citizens National Bank with 1 branch offices and then New Century Bank with 1 branch offices.

Find below all bank branches in Belleville:

Bank's name Number of branch offices Service Type
Astra Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
The Citizens National Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
New Century Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office

Belleville administrative numbers

Belleville City code2005600
Belleville City postcode66935

Transportation modes in Belleville

Blosser Municipal Airport 19 miles
22.9 miles
Fairbury Municipal Airport 35 miles

Belleville territory

Belleville area2,01 sq mi (5,21 km²)
Belleville altitude1 545 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 39.8229
Longitude: -97.6338
Latitude: 39° 49' 22'' North
Longitude: 97° 38' 2'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time : UTC -5:00
Winter time : UTC -6:00
Local time
Cities twinned with BellevilleCurrently, the town Belleville isn’t twinned
Namesake of Belleville
  • Belleville, Arkansas, États-Unis
  • Belleville, Illinois, États-Unis
  • Belleville, Michigan, États-Unis
  • Belleville, New Jersey, États-Unis
  • Belleville, Wisconsin, États-Unis
  • Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Natural parksBelleville isn't part of a natural park

What is Belleville close to?

Nearby cities include: Munden, Scandia, Cuba and Republic
ScandiaNeighbouring townsMunden
Munden 8 milesScandia 8.2 milesCuba 9.5 miles
Republic 12.3 milesChester 13 milesAgenda 13.4 miles
Courtland 14.2 milesByron 14.5 milesNarka 14.5 miles
Hubbell 14.8 milesHaddam 17.6 milesConcordia 17.8 miles
Mahaska 18.7 milesFormoso 19.3 milesJamestown 19.6 miles
Hardy 20.2 milesClyde 20.2 milesDeshler 22.4 miles
Webber 22.7 milesReynolds 22.8 milesHebron 24 miles

Distance between Belleville and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1214 milesHouston : 706 milesPhiladelphia : 1191 miles
Phoenix : 909 milesSan Antonio : 719 milesSan Diego : 1187 miles
Dallas : 489 milesSan Jose : 1316 milesJacksonville : 1115 miles
Indianapolis : 610 milesSan Francisco : 1373 milesAustin : 658 miles
Columbus : 777 milesFort Worth : 488 miles closestCharlotte : 974 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Belleville, KS

Elementary schools in Belleville

Belleville East Elementary

District of Republic County
Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 5
Students : 258

Alternative schools in Belleville

Republic County Junior/Senior High School

District of Republic County
Lowest grade : 6, Highest grade : 12
Students : 260

Leisure and activities in Belleville surrounding area

Golf course
Republic County Recreation Association Golf CourseConcordia Country Club
to Concordia 18 miles