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Cities and Towns in the United States > Alaska > Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area > Klawock AK

Information on Klawock, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area

The First class city of Klawock is located in the state of Alaska, in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the First class city hall of Klawock at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Klawock First class city HALL, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area

Klawock First class city Hall's addressKlawock Klawock Municipal Building
P.O. Box 469

Klawock, AK 99925
United States
Phone number of Klawock First class city Hall+1 907-755-2261
Klawock, AK emailLoading...
Klawock official websiteNot available
Mayor of KlawockDonald J. Nickerson Jr.
Birth Certificate Order your Alaska birth certificate online

Common questions about Klawock

What county is Klawock AK in?

Klawock, AK is located in Prince of Wales-Hyder County

Where is Klawock, Alaska ?

Klawock is located on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island within the Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area. Situated in southeastern Alaska, USA, it lies approximately 7 miles north of Craig and around 56 miles west of Ketchikan, across the Clarence Strait. The town is part of the Alexander Archipelago.

Klawock building department, AK

If you're planning a construction project in Klawock, AK, and need to obtain the necessary approvals, your first step is to reach out to the Klawock City Office, where you can request the required permits. This office serves as the primary point of contact for processing your application and can provide detailed information on associated costs and expected processing times. Contacting them directly ensures you have the most up-to-date and accurate information, helping you navigate the permitting process smoothly and efficiently.
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Klawock's town hall or Prince of Wales-Hyder Census area authorities directly.

Demography of Klawock

Name of Klawock inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population765 inhabitants38 / 7 646
Population density in Klawock780,1 pop/sq mi (301,2 pop/km²)

Klawock statistics

Median household income$48,750
Poverty rate19.1%
Educational attainment90.4%

List of Passport Facilities in Klawock, AK

Where to apply for a passport in Klawock, AK? There are 1 passport offices in Klawock, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number
USPO - KLAWOCK6488 KLW/HOLLIS HWY #19077552977

Klawock administrative numbers

Klawock First class city code0240400
Klawock First class city postcode99925

Transportation modes in Klawock

Klawock Airport 1.7 miles
Craig Seaplane Base 5.9 miles
Hydaburg Seaplane Base 26.3 miles

Klawock territory

Klawock area0,98 sq mi (2,54 km²)
Klawock altitude7 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 55.5563
Longitude: -133.088
Latitude: 55° 33' 23'' North
Longitude: 133° 5' 17'' West
Time zone
UTC -9:00 (America/Juneau)
Summer time : UTC -8:00
Winter time : UTC -9:00
Local time
Cities twinned with KlawockCurrently, the town Klawock isn’t twinned
Natural parksKlawock isn't part of a natural park

What is Klawock close to?

Nearby cities include: Craig, Thorne Bay, Hydaburg and Kasaan
Thorne BayThorne Bay
CraigNeighbouring townsThorne Bay
Craig 4.5 milesThorne Bay 22.9 milesHydaburg 26.6 miles
Kasaan 27 miles  

Distance between Klawock and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1647 milesHouston : 2564 milesPhiladelphia : 2804 miles
Phoenix : 1824 milesSan Antonio : 2476 milesSan Diego : 1752 miles
Dallas : 2347 milesSan Jose : 1369 milesJacksonville : 3035 miles
Indianapolis : 2385 milesSan Francisco : 1320 miles closestAustin : 2453 miles
Columbus : 2498 milesFort Worth : 2328 milesCharlotte : 2815 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Klawock, AK

Alternative schools in Klawock

Klawock City School

Lowest grade : K, Highest grade : 12
Students : 127

Leisure and activities in Klawock surrounding area

No activities found in town Klawock