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Cities and Towns in the United States > Iowa > Jackson County > Maquoketa IA

Information on Maquoketa, Jackson County

The City of Maquoketa is located in the state of Iowa, in Jackson County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Maquoketa at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Maquoketa City HALL, Jackson County

Maquoketa City Hall's addressMaquoketa Maquoketa Municipal Building
201 E Pleasant Street

Maquoketa IA 52060
United States
Phone number of Maquoketa City Hall+1 563-652-2484
Maquoketa, IA emailNot available
Maquoketa official
Mayor of MaquoketaJason Hute
Jackson County, Iowa: Vital Records Maquoketa vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Iowa birth certificate online

Common questions about Maquoketa

What county is Maquoketa IA in?

Maquoketa, IA is located in Jackson County

Where is Maquoketa, Iowa ?

Maquoketa lies in Jackson County and is located in the eastern part of Iowa, USA. It is situated along the Maquoketa River, approximately 30 miles south of Dubuque and 40 miles north of the Quad Cities area. The municipality offers convenient access to major highways connecting to larger urban centers.

Maquoketa building department, IA

If you're planning a construction project in Maquoketa, IA, obtaining the necessary permits is an essential step. To get started, you'll need to visit the Maquoketa City Hall, where you can submit your application and get guidance on meeting local regulations. It’s a good idea to contact the City Hall staff directly to inquire about the specific fees and expected processing times, as these can vary depending on the scope of your project. This proactive approach ensures you have all the necessary documentation and information required to move forward smoothly with your construction plans.
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Maquoketa's town hall or Jackson County authorities directly.

Demography of Maquoketa

Name of Maquoketa inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population6 112 inhabitants58 / 3 989
Population density in Maquoketa1 485,0 pop/sq mi (573,4 pop/km²)

List of Passport Facilities in Maquoketa, IA

Where to apply for a passport in Maquoketa, IA? There are 2 passport offices in Maquoketa, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Top 3 most popular banks in Maquoketa

There are 3 bank branches in Maquoketa.
Maquoketa State Bank is the most popular bank in Maquoketa with 2 branch offices, followed by U.S. Bank National Association with 1 branch offices.

Find below all bank branches in Maquoketa:

Bank's name Number of branch offices Service Type
Maquoketa State Bank2Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
U.S. Bank National Association1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office

Maquoketa administrative numbers

Maquoketa City code1949215
Maquoketa City postcode52060

Transportation modes in Maquoketa

3.8 miles
Clinton Municipal Airport 23.5 miles
Dubuque Regional Airport 23.8 miles

Maquoketa territory

Maquoketa area4,12 sq mi (10,66 km²)
Maquoketa altitude725 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 42.0595
Longitude: -90.6661
Latitude: 42° 3' 34'' North
Longitude: 90° 39' 58'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time : UTC -5:00
Winter time : UTC -6:00
Local time
Cities twinned with MaquoketaCurrently, the town Maquoketa isn’t twinned
Natural parksMaquoketa isn't part of a natural park

What is Maquoketa close to?

Nearby cities include: Delmar, Andrew, Baldwin and Lost Nation
BaldwinNeighbouring townsDelmar
Lost NationDelmarDelmar
Delmar 5.2 milesAndrew 7.5 milesBaldwin 8.9 miles
Lost Nation 10.1 milesWelton 11.1 milesMonmouth 11.2 miles
Spragueville 12 milesSpringbrook 12.1 milesCharlotte 12.2 miles
Preston 13.8 milesToronto 14.8 milesOxford Junction 15.7 miles
Goose Lake 15.9 milesGrand Mound 16.4 milesZwingle 16.5 miles
La Motte 16.5 milesCalamus 16.8 milesWyoming 17.4 miles
DeWitt 17.6 milesWheatland 18 milesMiles 18 miles

Distance between Maquoketa and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1602 milesHouston : 889 milesPhiladelphia : 822 miles
Phoenix : 1305 milesSan Antonio : 976 milesSan Diego : 1580 miles
Dallas : 723 milesSan Jose : 1681 milesJacksonville : 953 miles
Indianapolis : 284 miles closestSan Francisco : 1733 milesAustin : 904 miles
Columbus : 426 milesFort Worth : 739 milesCharlotte : 711 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Maquoketa, IA

Elementary schools in Maquoketa

Briggs Elementary School

District of Maquoketa Community School District
Lowest grade : 3, Highest grade : 5
Students : 276

Cardinal Elementary School

District of Maquoketa Community School District
Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 2
Students : 317

Middle schools in Maquoketa

Maquoketa Middle School

District of Maquoketa Community School District
Lowest grade : 6, Highest grade : 8
Students : 300

High schools in Maquoketa

Maquoketa Community High School

District of Maquoketa Community School District
Lowest grade : 9, Highest grade : 12
Students : 535

Leisure and activities in Maquoketa surrounding area

Golf course
Maquoketa Country ClubPrairie Creek Golf
Plum River Golf Course
to Preston 13.8 miles
Springbrook Country Club
to DeWitt 16.4 miles
Wapsi Oaks Country Club
to Calamus 17 miles
Little Bear Country Club
to Wyoming 17.9 miles

Other information on the City of Maquoketa

Nuclear power plantQuad Cities Nuclear Generating Station 47 mile