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Cities and Towns in the United States > State Arizona > Apache County
Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records
Apache County, located in the northeastern part of Arizona, is known for its stunning natural landscapes and rich Native American heritage. The county is home to the iconic Canyon de Chelly National Monument, providing visitors with a glimpse into ancient indigenous history and offering breathtaking views of the rugged canyon walls. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the serene White Mountains and the Petrified Forest National Park, while history buffs can visit the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, a living testament to the region's trading past. With its vibrant cultural heritage and awe-inspiring scenery, Apache County offers an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking to connect with both nature and history.

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Apache County administration contact details

County seatSt. Johns
Phone number of Apache county(928) 337-7514
Official website
County clerkLena Fowler

Apache County Sheriff's Office and Jail Information

Number of prisons1
Jail namesApache County Jail
Sheriff office address370 South Washington Street, St. Johns, AZ 85936
Sheriff office phone number928-337-4321
Inmate search informationTo locate an inmate in Apache County, contact the Apache County Jail directly at 928-337-7547 or use online inmate search tools available on the Sheriff's Office website.
Clerk of Court nameMechellyn Sanchez
Clerk of Court address70 West 3rd South, St. Johns, AZ 85936

Apache County Statistics

Number of cities/towns/villages19
Area11,218 sq mi
Density6 /sq mi
Altitude6,800 ft
Median Household Income$34,000
Poverty rate36%
Unemployment rate10%

Environmental risk in Apache County, AZ

Overall riskVery Low
Expected Annual LossVery Low
Social VulnerabilityVery High
Community ResilienceVery Low
Avalanche RiskNot Applicable
Coastal Flooding RiskNot Applicable
Cold Wave RiskRelatively Low
Drought RiskRelatively Moderate
Earthquake RiskVery Low

Data obtained from the FEMA National Risk Index.

Counties surrounding Apache

Navajo 46.9 milesMcKinley 70.2 milesCibola 90.5 miles
San Juan 100.9 milesCatron 119.4 milesCoconino 131.8 miles

List of cities and towns in Apache County by population size

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Birth certificate - U.S. Vital Records